sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Church of the Holy Cross is an Anglican Church in Crozet, VA. We meet for Holy Communion every Sunday at Brownsville Elementary School at 10:00 a.m.
We welcome all to join us every week for worship! In our liturgy, we encounter the Risen Lord Jesus Christ as he is made known to us in the Scriptures and Holy Communion.
meeting at brownsville elementary
5870 Rockfish Gap TPKE., Crozet, VA 22932
Join us for worship during Advent and Christmas! Christmas Eve and Day services will be at Crozet Baptist Church.
All are invited Saturday, September 14, for a family-friendly party at the Barn at Fidelis Farm (6577 Jarmans Gap Road) from 4-7 p.m. The church will provide BBQ and buns. We'll also have a bounce house for the kids. Bring a lawn chair/picnic blanket, something to share, and an instrument to participate in the jam session if you'd like!
Celebrate Pentecost Sunday with us on May 19 by wearing red to church and joining us at the Barn at Fidelis Farm afterward for food and fun. The men will be smoking a pig for our main dish. We’ll also have bounce houses for the kids. Bring a lawn chair/picnic blanket, something to share, and yard games if you'd like. All are welcome!
Please join us for our special Holy Week services to remember the dear cost of the Savior’s love and celebrate the resurrection!
All are invited to join us at the Barn at Fidelis Farm (6577 Jarmans Gap Road) on February 14 at 7:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. We'll mark the beginning of Lent with the imposition of ashes.
Join us for these special services at Crozet Baptist on Sunday, December 24, and Christmas Day. Sunday morning we’ll celebrate the 4th Sunday of Advent at 8:45 a.m. Join us again in the evening for a Christmas Eve service at 5:30 p.m. On Christmas Day, we’ll worship with Church of the Resurrection at 10:00 a.m.
Join us on Sunday, November 5, for an evening of enlightenment and encouragement as we welcome author and historian Bruce Hindmarsh to discuss his recent book, Amazing Grace, co-authored with New York Times bestselling author Craig Borlase. Hear the true and surprising story of John Newton, the author of the beloved hymn, whose life was radically transformed by God’s grace.
After the service on Sunday, September 24, all are invited to join us at Crozet Park for a picnic and time together outside. The church will provide fried chicken. Your help with sides, desserts, and beverages would be greatly appreciated.